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An unopposed Jim McGovern is in no ones best interest.

When I learned Jim McGovern was running unopposed, I decided to take action. I obtained signature papers on July 1st from the Springfield Mass. Secretary of States's Office. My first signature was obtained on July 4th and I accumulated over 3200 signatures by the 5pm deadline on July 30th. Although approximately 700 of my signatures were discarded for various reasons, I still had more than enough with about 2500.

I was raised to be a Democrat. My dad had me working on campaigns all the way up to 1988. My earliest  recollection of working on a campaign was driving around in a coffee and sandwich truck working for Mayor O'Connor. Politics were a lot more civil in that day. I asked my father why he was giving coffee and sandwiches to volunteers holding signs for the opponent. He stated words to the effect that anyone who participated in the process should be respected.

The Democrat party abandoned me years ago. I want to reach out to moderate democrats, who feel left behind by the progressive takeover, independents, and republicans. As an independent, I will always put country over party and faithfully defend the Constitution of The United States. If anyone would like to help me in this campaign, it would be greatly appreciated.


Cornelius Shea

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