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My dad in politics

I wish my dad was alive to manage my campaign. I learned more about politics from my father than all my college Political Science Professors combined.
I wish my dad was alive to manage my campaign. I learned more about politics from my father than all my college Political Science Professors combined.
One of the many campaigns working with Congressman Boland.
One of the many campaigns working with Congressman Boland.
Joe Kennedy and my sister teaming up to work on a Ted Kennedy campaign.
Joe Kennedy and my sister teaming up to work on a Ted Kennedy campaign.
I believe this was my dad's last campaign.
I believe this was my dad's last campaign.
My dad took me to the Kennedy compound in 1988 for lunch. It was an honor meeting the entire Kennedy family.
My dad took me to the Kennedy compound in 1988 for lunch. It was an honor meeting the entire Kennedy family.
My dad was an old school democrat .He would not recognize the democrat party today.
My dad was an old school democrat .He would not recognize the democrat party today.

Committee to Elect Cornelius Shea
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