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When I met Cornelius and spoke to him on the phone I knew I met a man of integrity. Humble man seeking to serve, defend our constitution, and help return America back to its original glory. He is a spiritual man and loves God. — David DesBois
Ambassador/ christian

Neil has been a friend since high school. He is a man of wisdom and courage. He possesses high character and integrity. His instincts are sound and his judgment is excellent. He is an exemplary leader. America needs leaders like Cornelius in Congress. — George Leary

Cornelius Shea is a force of nature. He is a fearless and tireless warrior, attributes that he developed growing up in the projects of Worcester as well as during his career in the US Marine Corps. He is a skilled communicator who not only listens to the people he speaks with, but, understands their pain because of his own childhood growing up with limited family resources. He easily relates to the working and lower working class people because he has walked in their footsteps throughout his career as both an enlisted military man and then as a teacher working in the Worcester School System. Cornelius Shea is proud of his humble, inner city childhood that allowed him to grow up to be a strong and determined man who believes in the US Constitution, God, his family and the traditions of America that has made the US a leader in the world. It is these attributes that have empowered his life, giving him an unyielding spirit and energy to make America better. I firmly believe that Mr Shea will win the seat Congress in November 2024. He has the knowledge, strength of will, focus, and determination to bring America back to the working class people in the 2nd US Congressional District. Mary Lotze Secretary, Fitchburg Republican City Committee (FRCC) Shea for Congress Campaign Supporter — Mary Lotze
Secretary, Fitchburg Republican City Committee, campaign volunteer

I, met Cornelius at an event I talked with him And, for some reason, I felt right there and then that this man a Marine Veteran Retired major and a retired school teacher was going to be my candidate right off the bat. Cornelius is a person who has integrity and as the saying goes, he has the determination in him. You can read his statement he is a hard-working family man who will be there for all his Constituents.We all need someone to be there to listen and hear the people, This is your man, Cornelius Shea for Congress Bobbi Newman,RTC Royalston Chairwoman, To provide my official endorsement of Cornelius Shea for United States Congressman-Ma District 2 — Bobbi Newman
Royalston RTC Chairwoman

Every two years we ask, “Who is running against Jim McGovern?” McGovern has won 14 races in a row, 7 unopposed. So here we are again, Who is running against McGovern??? In July I discovered Cornelius “Neil” Shea was running! I reached out right away and asked, “What can I do to help the campaign?” I started by helping collect signatures, and what I discovered working with Neil is that people connect with him, people remembered him, and he absolutely knows where they’re coming from. I still recall the young woman calling out, “Mr. Shea! I’m two classes away from respiratory therapist degree because of that biology class you taught!” And another woman who couldn’t stop reminiscing about their teaching days, all the way into the store! Teachers remembered him, veterans had quiet conversations with him … these were the connections he could make that I as a volunteer never could. Honestly, I’ve never seen anyone better able to connect with people. When I was assisting a signer, we would look over at Neil having a lively conversation, and we’d both agree, “That’s the person I want on the House floor fighting for Massachusetts!” I don’t know Jim McGovern. Plenty of people told me they liked him, plenty said he’d done things for them … but in Central MA the jobs are gone, industry has left. McGovern’s worked in government his entire life, and what is there to show for it? It was a wonderful feeling to know I was helping Neil, a very qualified person for this important job. His whole lifetime of experience has made him the right candidate at the right time. What a difference he will make. I am grateful he stepped into the race, and that he picked up my call. — Lorraine Rudd

I met Neil Shea At Fund Raiser for President Trump (Yes The only fundraiser in Massachusetts history for President Trump) on Sunday, July 7 2024 in Hadley Where I learned Jim McGovern was running unopposed. I also learned Mr. Shea was a veteran and I gave him an American Flag lapel pin attached to a card that read “Thank YOU my FREEDOM ”. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Please support his candidacy and victory to unseat this “ruling class” politician. President Trump is our only hope and he will need Neil in his corner to fight for our nation’s Survival God bless you, Neil and God bless America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™β€οΈ — Michael Tirrell

Committee to Elect Cornelius Shea
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