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Marine Corps

Pictures of me enlisted and as an officer in the Marines.
Thy will be done.
Thy will be done.
My dad and I in front of the Iwo Jima statue at Parris Island.
My dad and I in front of the Iwo Jima statue at Parris Island.
Graduation ceremony from USMC Officer Candidates School.
Graduation ceremony from USMC Officer Candidates School.
Brand new Marine 2nd Lieutenant. Now off to 6 more months of bootcamp at The Basic School.
Brand new Marine 2nd Lieutenant. Now off to 6 more months of bootcamp at The Basic School.
My mom pinning on my gold bar.
My mom pinning on my gold bar.
My dad and I at O.C.S. graduation.
My dad and I at O.C.S. graduation.
Getting ready for mess night at The Basic School.
Getting ready for mess night at The Basic School.
This means a lot to me. My first platoon of 47 Marines and 12 Amphibious Assault Vehicles.
This means a lot to me. My first platoon of 47 Marines and 12 Amphibious Assault Vehicles.
I was granted an unheard of second platoon to command in Okinawa Japan. I loved working with amtracs.
I was granted an unheard of second platoon to command in Okinawa Japan. I loved working with amtracs.
This was great training. We called in naval gunfire from a destroyer every day over a two week period.
This was great training. We called in naval gunfire from a destroyer every day over a two week period.
My last assignment on active duty was a Leadership Instructor at Officer Candidates School.
My last assignment on active duty was a Leadership Instructor at Officer Candidates School.

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